
Women in STEM: 8 Ladies Who Made IT Possible

Software engineering is considered to be a man’s job these days, even taking into account quite a massive gender shift […]

Software Development Stages: When Is It Time to Raise Your Stakes?

Entrepreneurship is like gambling, no matter who you are: a first-time start-upper or a professional with dozens of successful projects […]

Ultimate Guide to Evaluating Your Startup. Part 2: Users

We continue to shine light on investors’ decision-making process to help you gain a better understanding of your startup’s value. […]

Delegate! The Benefits of IT Outsourcing Services for Small Businesses

Outsourcing – using the external company to conduct the services that are usually done internally – is, in fact, not […]

Benefits of Startup Valuation and the Factors Influencing It

Knowing the actual value of a startup may seem necessary only for publicly traded companies, startups seeking investors, or companies preparing […]

Mission 2018: Complete

Astrologers proclaim a week of New Year festivities. For us, at Intersog, it’s also a good time to look back […]

Trust is the New Black: 5 Trends Leading the IT Outsourcing Industry in 2019

Since 2015, when outsourcing was at the crest of the wave, it has proved to be a reasonable solution for […]

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about MVP Development

Let’s imagine your startup is the next Uber, Stripe, or Airbnb. That’s a good mindset to begin with, but how […]

What’s Going on with FinTech? Trends and Technologies Dominating the Israeli Market

Over the last few years, we’ve witnessed a huge disruption of Israel’s FinTech landscape. Global financial giants are increasing their […]

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