10 Mobile App Development Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2023

Within just a few decades, mobile apps have become an important part of the global economy and a platform acknowledged by both users and developers.

Mobile internet usage has already overtaken desktop internet usage, and nearly 90% of mobile usage is spent on apps. This means that companies must adapt their products to mobile users.

In such a quickly evolving industry and a highly saturated market, it’s hard to keep up with the latest innovations in mobile app development. So, what does the future of mobile app development hold?

Below are four trends that we think will be big in 2023. Keep an eye on them, because they could make or break your app's success.

1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) apps are predicted to take off in 2023. As they become more immersive and accessible, these technologies have the potential to change the way we interact with the digital world.

  • AR is a technology that allows you to merge your digital and physical worlds. You can see digital content overlaid on top of your actual surroundings. For example, you could be looking at a magazine and see an interactive 3D model of the product you're considering buying.
  • VR is even more immersive. It takes you into a completely virtual environment, often using headsets like the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has given the industry a powerful boost, since these technologies helped people experience new places and connect with others without leaving their houses.

AR/VR are widely used in e-commerce as a powerful marketing tool that allows customers to interact or try on products before buying them.

XR creates more effective interactive learning experience that are highly valuable in EdTech, medicine, and other fields that require advanced training.

And, of course, the entertainment industry, especially gaming, has been a key adopter of these technologies. Popular VR games are being released every year, and we can expect even more of them in the coming years.

The penetration of 5G enables faster and steadier internet connectivity, which also fuels growth. According to Statista, the next years will be golden for XR. It is projected that there will be 1.7 billion mobile AR gadgets globally by 2024.

2. 5G Network-Focused Applications

As 5G networks become more widespread, we can expect to see more and more mobile app developers focusing on network-centric applications. These apps will take advantage of the faster speeds and lower latency of 5G networks to provide a better user experience and more. 5G enables industries to become more efficient and more strongly connected than ever before, fueling the advancement of niches that weren’t previously possible: autonomous cars, asset tracking, telemedicine, and much more.

5G has numerous advantages over previous generations, including the following:

Faster speeds

Download and upload speeds are much, much higher. Up to 10 gigabits per second, according to some specialists. This will enable streaming videos in higher resolution, exchanging large files, and completing other data-intensive tasks much faster.

Lower latency

5G networks have reduced latency (the time needed for a signal to get from point A to point B). As a result, they can better handle real-time apps such as VR, cloud gaming, or any type of remote control.

Better capacity

5G can support more devices, so it can grant better connection in crowded places such as concerts, festivals, and sports competitions.

Energy efficiency

5G is greener, which means less load on users’ devices batteries, as well as the whole supporting infrastructure.

5G is forecasted to have a general economic impact of up to $12 trillion by 2035, so it’s worth paying attention to this technology now, when it’s still taking its baby steps.

3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions will continue to be important mobile app development trends in 2023.

  • Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. This technology is already being used in a number of industries, and it's sure to make its way into the mobile app development world in the coming years.
  • Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language and recognizing objects. This technology is also already being used in a number of industries, and it's sure to make its way into the mobile app development world in the coming years.

Both of these technologies are important for creating smart and intuitive apps that can adapt to users' needs. Companies already utilize them to provide better UX. AI-empowered applications give users personalized recommendations. For example, OTT platforms can give users personalized movie recommendations. Meanwhile, operators benefit from advanced analytics.

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The areas of application are numerous, including the following:

  • Translation, interpretation, and speech recognition
  • Natural language processing in chatbot apps or virtual assistants
  • Resource management and optimization
  • Object recognition
  • Predictive analysis
  • Fraud detection

4. Cloud Computing and Storage Solutions

One trend to watch out for in 2023 is the use of cloud-based solutions for mobile app development. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide a way to manage and store data securely while also making it accessible on multiple platforms. This means that developers can create apps that are more reliable, secure, and cost-effective.

Cloud integration also enables developers to access databases from any location, allowing them to work from anywhere, anytime. In addition, it opens up opportunities for rapid application development with AI/ML-powered tools, which help streamline processes. Through automation tools and ML-based technologies, developers can reduce the overall time to launch an app without compromising quality standards and user experience.

Moreover, cloud architecture provides increased scalability options in comparison to traditional methods. This allows companies to quickly increase their capacity or reduce their costs as needed, depending on their needs at different stages of the development cycle.

5. Integration with Wearables

The UX design of a mobile application is very important and should be kept up-to-date with consumers’ needs. Thus, one of the mobile app development trends to keep an eye out for in 2023 is the integration of wearables.

We’ve already seen smart watches and fitness trackers become popular, and integrating your app with wearables can be a great way to make it stand out. Wearables make it easy for consumers to track their data, allowing them to have a better understanding of their behaviors, habits, and needs.

By integrating your app with wearables, you can create a more personalized experience for users and really highlight its usefulness. In addition, this could open up monetisation opportunities such as subscriptions or micro-payments.

It’s also worth mentioning that integrating with wearables can help with tracking analytics, so you can get valuable insights into how users are engaging with your app.


Our portfolio includes several projects for wearable devices. Qardio is one of the most vivid and award-winning example of such technology.

6. Increasing Security and Privacy Measures

With more and more apps collecting data on users and their devices, increasingly strict security measures are necessary. As such, mobile app developers will need to remain up-to-date with the latest security trends, as well as ensure that users’ data is being safely stored and managed.

This means that when it comes to mobile app development in 2023, there will be a greater focus on data encryption and authentication processes. Developers should also look out for new security protocols and techniques such as the following:

  • data and source code encryption
  • two-factor or biometric authentication
  • penetration testing
  • access level management
  • secure data transfer protocols

Furthermore, developers should strive to follow secure app development practices and to protect the backend infrastructure and databases used by their applications. Data breaches can result in huge losses, both financially and reputationally; thus, it’s important to prioritize security measures throughout the entire mobile app development process.

7. Chatbots Increasing Popularity

In the last year, we have seen a huge surge in interest when it comes to chatbot technology. It's become an important part of mobile apps and is a trend that you should pay attention to.

Chatbots provide businesses with the opportunity to automate customer service tasks, such as answering queries and handling product inquiries.

Furthermore, chatbots can help increase customer loyalty by providing personalized messages and recommendations that are tailored to each individual user's needs. As such, businesses can build relationships with their customers that are more focused and meaningful than ever before.

Finally, chatbots can be used to gather valuable data about users that can then be used to optimize the user experience within the app. In other words, they're becoming an invaluable tool for app developers who want to create better user experiences and make more money in the process.

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8. Touchless UI and Eye Scrolling

You might have heard of tech giants like Google and Apple exploring touchless UI and eye scrolling in recent years. What this means is that users can interact with their phones and apps using just their eyes or gestures.

This technology is still in its nascent stages, but it could be commonplace by 2023, as many experts believe that touchless UI will become a major trend in the app development industry. This would provide users with a hands-free experience and make it easier for them to access apps without having to use their hands.

It could also open up new possibilities in terms of user interaction, as users could simply look or gesture at something to get it done. Eye scrolling would also help developers create apps that are easy to use and mobile friendly. So, if you’re an app developer, keep an eye out for such technologies!

9. Users Play an Integral Role in Mobile Development

User feedback has been a key component of mobile development for some time now, and this trend is only going to grow in 2023. As customers become accustomed to the apps they use, developers will start to focus on user experience and user input even more than before.

In other words, users will be a major part of the development process from start to finish. Developers will be encouraged to get customer feedback earlier on in the development cycle and then use that information to make tweaks and adjustments along the way. Additionally, app analytics tools will be used more often so that developers can have real-time insights into how their apps are performing in the market.

By taking these steps, developers can create better apps with fewer bugs, which increases customer satisfaction and ensures that their apps remain successful over time.

10. Gamification

It’s no surprise that gaming has become one of the hottest mobile app development trends in recent years. Developers are taking advantage of this trend by incorporating game-like components into their apps. This way, people can interact with their apps in a more exciting and engaging manner. Gamification also helps to improve user loyalty, as they’re more likely to come back and use the app again.

As an example, we can look at a fitness app that includes rewards for accomplishing certain tasks or reaching a certain level of progress. This encourages users to keep using the app, as they get rewarded for doing so. Other popular methods include leaderboards, achievements, and points systems, which help to create an environment that further motivates the user to stay engaged with the app.


Even despite all of the economic and political challenges, the year 2023 looks exciting for mobile, doesn’t it? At Intersog, we are very optimistic about these future technologies and are already implementing them in our solutions for ourselves and our clients.

Want to join us in revolutionizing the industry? Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our capabilities.

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