The Product
Intersog has engineered a high-end, web-based supply chain solution that covers Mitsubishi's complete logistics network from spare parts and material providers to partners and distributors.
Empowered by the new tool, all Mitsubishi associates and stakeholders can enter a single system directly from the web, but explore only the data that corresponds with their business roles and access levels.
Key features:
- End-to-end logistics solution uniting all parties, starting from parts and materials providers and ending with dealers
- Security system based on access levels
- Compliance with legacy hardware
- Effective notification system and intuitive UI
- Incorporation of data management and migration tools
In its production, Mitsubishi utilizes a vast variety of different spare parts provided by suppliers from all over the world. Since the company has special requirements for materials, it is responsible for organizing metal shipments for all of its vendors.
To control the process, Mitsubishi used multiple spreadsheets for every separate partner and had to manage them manually. This led to synchronization issues, frequent errors caused by human factor data redundancy, and excessive communication, which slowed down the workflow.
The legacy solution based on an IBM AS400 server was unable to fully automate all of the operations.
The most challenging but also most exciting task for our software engineering team was to make the new components run flawlessly on a legacy IBM AS 400 server. To solve this problem, our specialists crafted a web application integrated with a large DB2 base that already existed on the server.
The new solution significantly facilitated the cooperation between Mitsubishi and its suppliers and made communication well organized and comfortable. It enabled the company minimize equipment idle time and allowed all parties to track their shipments more precisely. However, the most beneficial advantage, in the client’s opinion, was that all the time once wasted on double-checking phone calls was now saved for more productive activities!
Key features contributed by Intersog team:
Convenient data model
Software solution provided by Intersog has fully eliminated the problem of information redundancy caused by repeated data entry.
Permissioning system
Mitsubishi’s security system assigns different access levels to its users. The new solution perfectly meets the company’s business goals, as it provides extensive control over user’s rights and limited access to vital information.
The notification system informs Mitsubishi partners about all essential news and product launches in a timely and convenient manner. Every message is sent via email and duplicated on the company's website.
Rich user interface
The interface crafted by Intersog's design team was reported to be highly convenient and easy-to-use. It allowed the company's employees to increase productivity significantly.
Integration with the legacy system
We’ve made a completely independent platform compatible with any legacy hardware. The application runs on the IBM AS 400 server and is connected to DB2 databases. Legacy RPG software components were also integrated into the system.
Data migration tool
Our specialists have created a novel tool that delves into the data structure and allows information to be imported from existing spreadsheets. It provides a smooth and easy transition to the new system.
With the help of Intersog’s software development team, Mitsubishi has gained a novel and convenient tool that helps them save a great deal of time and, as a result, cut operational expenses.
Due to flexible permission settings, all supply chain participants are now able to access the same system but not the sensitive data stored by other parties. Thus, the system unites higher convenience with higher security.
In general, the solution has boosted the company's efficiency, facilitated communication, minimized errors, and was highly appreciated by the client.